Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Saturday 6 February, 2010: Coed y Brenin

Ash and I headed to Coed y Brenin to tackle a combination of man-made and natural trails. The weather was not looking good in Warwick, but by the time we crossed the border it was bright sunshine!
Here's a little summary of our day....

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Saturday 30 January, 2010: Ambleside

Saturday 30 January was a gloriously crisp winter day in the Lakes, and Hêdd headed there to meet Helen, Kelly, Stephen and Kirsty (who unfortunately couldn't join us for mountain biking).
Their fantastic cottage accommodation was situated just outside Ambleside, and was the perfect base for an attempt at a classic Ambleside route, taking in Loughrigg Fell, Arnside, Hodge Close and Loughrigg Terrace.
It was a chilly start, but the opening climb, first on tarmac and later on a broken trail, soon warmed us up and gave us our first taste of some stunning views.

Kelly looking strong on the opening climb, with a snow covered Fairfield in the background

We were all relieved to reach the top, particularly Stephen as he was struggling with some mechanicals. The drop down the other side was fun, first on a reasonably even path but then later with some technical sections to keep us honest. We reached Skelwith Bridge in no time and were soon climbing again on back roads to the fabulous (if rather posh in the eyes of true northern folk!) Drunken Duck PH where we stopped for a quick drink. Hêdd opted for a pint of Cumberland Gold, which was to prove a questionable decision on the following climb.
Although the climb to the pub was on tarmac, it saw the biggest "off" of the day with Stephen hitting some black ice, wheel spinning for a while before eventually hitting the ground with a thud - thankfully not too badly hurt.
The next climb was good fun and included some more fantastic views. It started easily enough, but there was a real sting in the tail which saw us all off and pushing before the top.

Helen leading the way on the climb to Iron Keld
The descent made it all worthwhile though, with more great views, some tricky little rocky sections, flat out grassy sections and the biggest treat of all - Helen falling sideways into deep mud!
Kelly and Stephen start the Arnside descent

Kelly, Stephen and Helen on the Arnside descent

Kelly, Stephen and Helen near the bottom of the Arnside descent
From the bottom, we climbed along a nasty section of the A593 for a short while before branching off to have some fun through Hodge Close.
Helen finding some speed - Hodge Close
Kelly and Stephen making their way through the trees - Hodge Close
Eventually we reached the ford and bridge near Little Langdale and we were climbing again. We were all starting to tire by this point, and opted not to climb over to the quarry, but continue heading downwards on what proved to be a fun trail to Elterwater.

Kelly, Stephen and a close call with Helen on the descent to Elterwater
From here, we refuelled with some Jelly Babies before the final tough climb on tarmac up to High Close. This was really tough on tired legs, although Kelly powered ahead and reached the top in no time.
It's all downhill from here! Kelly celebrates at High Close

Helen still smiling after the tough climb to High Close

The final descent around Loughrigg Terrace was everyone's favourite, with some fun singletrack and views down the steep banks to Grasmere and Rydal Water below.

Helen rides Loughrigg Terrace

Fine weather and great company - all in all a great day - thanks guys!

Ambleside January 2010 from Hedd Roberts on Vimeo.

Here's the map of our route....